Nov 11, 2011

Socks for Pops

Decided to whip up a pair of cozy socks for my dad for a Christmas present.  It only took me a few days. I guess I was motivated. Deadlines do that to me!
Nov 11 004Nov 11 009  
Well, on Thursday my dad got the news about the state of his prostate cancer.  It has spread to his bones, which was the bad news.  The doctor has given him 3-5 ‘good years’, but we all know that that is just a guess. It could be less, but it could be two times that! So, we’re praying for 10 more years.
There will be no surgery, but  he will be getting hormone injections every 6 months, I think, and then taking some daily meds as well (hormones, vitamins, etc.).  Thanks to one of my blog readers, Diana, for your encouraging words and information you shared about your dad going through this. It really helped when I shared it with my family.
After the doctor’s visit, almost all of my family got together at my parents’ place for coffee, soup, and buns. My BC sis and I were Skyped into the get together and were passed around via laptops. It was quite humorous, really. But I got to say hi to everyone and see Mom and Dad. It was almost like being there. Well, not quite. But better than a phone call!  I thought it was a great way to begin processing the info, although personally I don’t think it will really sink in until I see Dad face to face in January.
Dad will be getting estrogen hormone therapy, which is what is needed to wipe out his testosterone – the male hormone is what the cancer cells thrive on.  Main side effects – getting emotional and irritable.  We all joked about that. Dad and the women in his life will be bonding on a whole new level :)
Because Dad is so healthy for his age (active, eats well, etc.), the doc said this is definitely in his favour. So, that’s good.
Thankful for my supportive and loving family at this time, and thankful that most of the sibs live in close proximity to Mom and Dad. With Mom’s health declining, as well, I feel a new era of family care is being ushered in. It reminds me of the book Love You Forever by Robert Munsch.
So, back to the socks.  My intention is that he wears these for a long time, and even wears them OUT many times over. I’ll just keep whipping up a new pair.


  1. Thanks for updating about your dad - I've been praying for you all.
    I used to joke with my dad about him having hot flashes and being irritable:) Having a good attitude really helps as well - it sounds like you and your family are all being a very good support to your parents which is so important.

  2. I am so, so sorry you got this news about your dad. My friend in Ontario's dad got the exact same diagnosis, and he made it 10+ years. And they were good years - he continued to garden, enjoy his grandchildren and life in general. May it be so with your dad.

  3. Hey - great socks! They'll warm his feet and his heart.

  4. Thanks for the update. I'll keep your Dad in my prayers. Mwah!


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