Nov 12, 2011


I didn’t blog yesterday.  So I back dated that last post. Just so you know! I remembered in the evening, then promptly forgot until it was too late. Still, I’m on target for 30 posts in 30 days.

Today is cold and blustery outside. Snow  is appearing on the higher hills. Bracing myself for winter weather.

Nov 11 011aDecided it was a good day to dig up the last of my carrots. I don’t fancy digging them out from under snow, which could hit with a vengeance any day and suddenly transform our warm autumn colors into icy wintry ones.


  1. I'm writing report cards today ... reading your blog is my treat from other computer work. Steven is praying for a snow day. He's so funny ... he checks the weather channel before school. Everyday hoping. :) Enjoy the carrots!

  2. I was out digging up carrots today too. I have left 3 in the garden for a stew I want to make next week. The rest are history. And it was so windy here I cancelled today's walk. Your carrot harvest is much bigger than mine!

  3. I've got some beets still in the garden. You've inspired me to try and get them out.

  4. @Heather - I'm doing RC's, too. Wish I could read your blog as a treat! hint, hint ;)

    @Kristie- those carrots are wee!! It's trick photography!;) They sure taste good, though.

    @Maureen - how was the beet harvest this year? I LOVE beets.


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