Nov 5, 2011

Just Because

When asked why he climbed Mt. Everest, a famous climber answered, “Because it’s there”.  And that was my sentiment exactly a few weeks ago.

Nov 11 002

While in Kelowna a few weeks ago, at Costco with a girlfriend, I grabbed a box of Brookside individually wrapped chocolates, without really thinking.  I only did it because my girlfriend bought a box, and suddenly it seemed like a good idea. It was there. I was there.  Usually I hum and haw about ‘special’ purchases, but I chose not to do that with this one.

I thought they’d be a good treat for the 2 hour drive back home. And being individually wrapped, I would limit myself.  There were an awful lot of empty wrappers when I arrived home, though. Oops.

Those chocolates are yummy!

I guess I really didn’t need to buy an entire box, though.

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