Sep 13, 2011

Right or Happy?

I am right Do you ever correct trivial details that your friend or spouse has shared either with you or with a group of people?  Does your spouse or friend do the same to you?

I do it sometimes, and I wonder why? Unless it’s a life or death matter, why is it that I have a need to correct others and be right?

Unimportant details such as:

“It wasn’t last week, it was two weeks ago.”

“The repairs didn’t cost $200, more like $179.99”

“I didn’t say I hated peanuts, I said they weren’t my favorite.”

What does one get out of correcting other people? Unless it’s something that is important, it’s better left undebated.

I am happy to say that I am much more aware of  correcting others (especially Handyman) and I will zip my lip more often than not (still in process, though).  Handyman and I have discussed this at length over the years, because we are both talented in this area. One of my major pet peeves is to be corrected in front of others. Grrrrrr….!

Also, I have learned long ago that I am not always right, so I often preface my conversations with “I may be wrong, but…” That’s my safeguard against eating crow.

Just today I had a conversation with a friend (she doesn’t read this blog!) and she adamantly corrected me on the name of a local lake . I was absolutely certain she was wrong, but I didn’t say anything, except half jokingly, “Mmm..maybe they changed the name.”  I left her thinking she was right.

But I just HAD to check to see if she was  indeed right. Later, I googled it on Dave’s iPhone and it turns out she was wrong. I did not go back and correct her, though. I mean, why would I?  Part of me wanted to, but for what purpose? She will find out soon enough, I guess.

That’s what I’m talking about.  Arguing about pointless information that doesn’t make an ounce of difference when all is said and done.. and perhaps causes hurt feelings if debated. Well, it’s just better left unsaid.

I’m learning to enjoy being happy rather than right. 

What about you? Would you rather be right or happy?  Does it bother you if  trivial information isn’t totally accurate?


  1. I'm just usually wrong.
    But I sure hate it when people point that out in front of others. ;-)

  2. I inherited this lovely quality from both my parents ;)

  3. Interesting topic! I've never really stopped to analyze whether I need information to be correct or not and whether I do any correcting in public. My guess would be that the answer is probably "yes" to both of those just knowing my nature. :)

  4. I used to do this more often back when I had a memory. But it would have been directed at family, not friends. I have to admit I find it annoying when I hear someone constantly correcting others over minute details.

  5. Yep, tongue biting in these types of situations is hard for me, but the older I get, the more I realize that happy and right do not usually go together!

  6. I'm always happier when I keep quiet. Like Danica .. I'm usually wrong :-)


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