Sep 24, 2011

For Real

A little random update for you faithful readers. End of the week and I am POOPED. It’s been a super busy week and I am fried.

A few things hit me, for real, this week.

Monday night I started my Spin Cycling/Yoga class at the TCC fitness centre. I haven’t sweated buckets like that in a while (well, except for these darned hot flashes I’m having to deal with!). There were about 10 of us in the class, and I was spinning in the front row, so I can’t say if I was the lamest spinner or not. All I know is that I could not keep up with the instructor! This was a full body workout, let me tell you. Since I didn’t really want to risk fainting, I spun at my own pace.  I was exhausted, FOR REAL!! The yoga stretching was a great way to end the class, though.

Have any of you ever cut your children’s hair? I used to do it all the time. And I have to confess, I still do it.  FOR REAL! Today youngest son asked me if I’d cut his hair for him. And a few weeks ago,  my other son asked me to cut his (His was getting so long, I could have put it in a pony tail!). Of course I obliged. I wonder how much longer they’ll trust me to do this? My oldest and my hubs have already lost confidence in me. Two down, two to go.

Those of you who have read my blog over the past few years have known that my dear daughter has been my boomerang child these past few years. Traveling and working at various locations abroad and closer to home has seen her room empty and quiet for months at a time. The first time she left (for 9 months), I was a blubbering mess of weepiness. But since then, I have learned to ‘let go’ and know that she is doing what she wants to do, and experiencing life. Then, when she returns, it’s a happy reunion.. and the cycle begins again. Until now. This time her room is empty FOR REAL! As in …she has packed up her furniture, not just her clothing and personal items. Sept 11 157She has officially moved out from our home and is feathering her new nest somewhere else. And I’m happy for her, because it feels very right for her and for me. And since she has only moved about 20 minutes away, it’s not as difficult as it has been in the past.  But when I look at her room, it’s still bittersweet. *sigh* Oh, how the years go by…


Today was a stinker of a hot day. I never thought I’d say this, but I’m ready for cooler temperatures.  FOR REAL!  We’ve been experiencing unseasonably warm weather this month. An Indian Summer, as we used to call it, but I don’t know if that is politically correct to say anymore. A First Nations Summer? A Native Summer? Whatever.. it’s been spectacular, but for me, just a tad too warm these past few days. I don’t know whether to pack away my summer clothes or not? So, Autumn, since you are officially here, bring on the cooler weather please. I promise I won’t complain…much.

Eldest son has purchased a new (to him) home.. a great condo in a super complex. It’s spacious, has lots of storage, and is in great shape. Well, except for the walls. They had to be repainted. And it had to be cleaned, of course. Well, now a week later, after many hours of physical labour and shopping around for household items and furniture, I can say it’s pretty well done and I now will have to wait for an invitation to visit. :)  I am so tired of cleaning and painting, although I have honestly enjoyed helping my kids get this place ready.   I can’t stand to even look at a paint can or a pail of soapy water, anymore. FOR REAL!

And finally, our married son and his wife will be officially married for ONE YEAR in a couple of days!!! FOR REAL! I won’t gush about my daughter in law, but have I told you I think she’s awesome? :) I was at a garage sale today and saw this:

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and decided to give it to them as a gift. I love it.  I’m not expecting them to actually put it up on their wall, but I couldn’t help but want to share this with them. Nothing else needs to be said.

Hope you have a wonderful next week. FOR REAL!


  1. God is good, his promises true, and his faithfulness everlasting. It's clear that God's blessing is over you and your family ... for real!

  2. Cute post - and lots in there. What a week!


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