Aug 11, 2011

Twenty Nine and Counting

Handyman and I just celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary.  On a hot August morning in 1982 we were wed. I look at pictures of us back then and think “We were just CHILDREN!!”

And this past Sunday, another hot August day, we celebrated.  Initially we were considering canoeing,  doing some sightseeing around town or even ziplining in the Okanagan!  Then we thought, wouldn’t this be the perfect day to visit my cousin and his wife, who had just recently moved to Peachland from Abbotsford. They had invited us to come by a number of times.

And it turned out to be the perfect idea!

Their beautiful house is perched on a hill overlooking Okanagan Lake.

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Along with their house purchase, they bought a couple of cool water toys, Sea Doos!! Guess what we did?

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I have to say, it was a barrel of fun! Maybe not romantic, but definitely memorable!

Then, that evening we all went out for a splendid celebratory dinner at The Bavarian Lake Haus restaurant. Highly recommended. Outdoor seating, with an Old Country flair. And the food and conversation  was wonderful.

We felt like we really had a great little mini-vacation and it was only 2 hours away!  That means Handyman and I actually spent 4 hours chatting about the ‘state of our union’ and other things. How often does THAT happen?


  1. So sweet. Glad you were able to have a romantic getaway! :)

  2. A match made in heaven, for sure!

  3. Congrats! It looks like you two had a wonderful time.
    (You got married when I was two years old!!!! Sorry, had to throw that out there.)
    Have a great trip to go visit your parents.

  4. Happy 29th!! We'll have our 29th in December. Hard to believe!

  5. Congratulations on 29 years of marriage!


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