Dec 5, 2011



I’ve got a lot of book shelves in this house.  Cuz I like them.

Saturday afternoon, I critically eyed the one downstairs and decided it was time to ruthlessly purge the shelves yet again. I seem to do this every year. Why I can’t do this all at once, I’m not sure. I have to know that I won’t regret getting rid of the books chosen to find a new home, I guess.

I was proud of myself. Three boxes later, my shelves look organized and dare I say, a little bare.

But I feel good!

Just like I thought that I would now! :)

I like the feeling of decluttering. Letting go.  Not always easy. But it certainly helps clear the mind.

If you’re looking for Insanely Creative Bookshelves, such as the photo above, you must check out this blog!


  1. Don't throw any books away without letting me look through them!

  2. I have been on a decluttering binge too. It must be something about the time of the year! That bookshelf is cute, but not at all practical for a house as stuffed with books as ours. Are you going to order it?

  3. @Jill - come by soon! They won't be here for long!

    @Kristie - no bookshelf orders anytime soon. It would not go over well here. ;)One can dream, though. Did you check that book shelf site out?!!

  4. I love decluttering. It feels so good to get things cleaned up and organized.

  5. I de-cluttered the 'biography' shelf at the church library last week. For some reason I find it more difficult to chuck biography than other books -like I'm personally insulting the authors or something. But most of them hadn't ever been checked out, and some of them, not since the 80's. So I don't think anyone will miss them...

    At home I only have 1 shelf so I'm constantly having to purge. The book-lover in me hates it. The organization freak in me is happy. I'm so torn!


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