Dec 22, 2011

The Art of Gift Reception

Have you ever thought about that?  Who doesn’t LOVE giving gifts? It’s easy. You choose a gift (well, that might be the hard part), you wrap it, you give it. You feel warm fuzzies.

Now, how about when you receive a gift?  Especially an unexpected one. What if you didn’t give one to the giver, and didn’t even plan to?  Can you spell AWKWARD? You feel special, yet you might feel a bit ‘bad’ because, well, you have nothing to give back. And you might feel that you don’t deserve it.

Which begs the questions: Is it okay to have a one-sided gift giving?

Heck, yes!!!

Since when are gifts supposed to come with expectations of getting something back? I think it cheapens the gift somehow.

What is the definition of gift, anyway? According to the Webster’s 1828 Dictionary…

“A present; anything given or bestowed; any thing, the property of which is voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation; a donation.”

So, I think the best way to receive a gift, especially one that you may feel you don’t deserve, is to say with all your heart “ Thank You”, and leave it at that.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

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