Nov 8, 2011

Eating Words

Sometimes I wish I could eat my words.dreamstimefree_2385394

The words I dished out on another’s plate.

The words I wish I hadn’t spoken.

The ones I know I shouldn’t say, and even while I’m in the middle of saying them, I don’t stop, but continue on.

Seems that’s the lesson I’m learning these days.

I’m learning to eat humble pie. Not very tasty, but necessary.

Like medicine.


The book of Proverbs is full of verses about words and their effect. They all seemed very harsh and direct. Ouch.

Like this:

Kind words heal and help; cutting words wound and maim. Proverbs 15:4


(photo courtesy of


  1. I think you're amazing ... and so does God :) PTL for grace, mercy and forgiveness!

  2. I actually bit my tongue the other day...didn't speak when I usually would have. It doesn't happen as often as it should. I can relate to what you say.


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