Aug 4, 2011

Work In Progress

I really haven’t been taking many pics of our project this summer, but for those of you who asked, here are a few of the ‘before’ or ‘during’ stage:
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I wish I had taken a few pics of the bedrooms, kitchen, and living room when we first began. The transformation has been amazing. I will reveal those pics when we are completely done.
..the utility room… I have to confess I chose that color 9 years ago. What possessed me to do that, I don’t know. I think I was into the ‘bold and varied color’ stage of decorating. With a rental, one can go wild. I’ll have you know a good part of the main living space in OUR house is ‘classic taupe’ now. My kitchen is brick red, though. :) 
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..before I get to the fun part of painting, I have to clean.. YUK…

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Below is the room, primed and ready for a new color. That fridge is an extra one that will be getting a new home soon.

Aug 11 017
..the Tub… will be resurfaced and caulked tomorrow!! Yay!! Handyman already changed the walls in the pic below . The toilet has been chucked and the tile floors are awaiting a good scrubbing and sealing.
We debated buying a new tub, but 54” tubs are hard to come by.  As in ‘not available’. This tub is so small and shallow, but it’s still a tub. Necessary for those who have little children. I don’t think it’s one for an adult to relax in, though. 
I will consider this a refurbished antique, when it’s all done. :)
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Windows and ledges can get pretty grimy. What a difference clear views make! (Note to self: I should clean my OWN windows again sometime soon!)
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We have replaced several walls, and even covered the interior metal wall (which was once the exterior metal wall before the addition was added years ago by the previous owner) with new wall board and it’s been a bit of challenge since there are very few square corners in this place!
Things are looking better and in a few weeks we should be all ready for new tenants! Hopefully we will find the right ones. That’s another whole story.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I bet the final product will be amazing with all the work you guys are doing.


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